Yesterday Gram picked up Sierra from school and took her to run some errands. They picked up Gram's friend, Pauline, and took her to get her car from the repair shop. In the car, Sierra proceeded to complain about how hungry she was. Saying things like, "My mom didn't have time to feed me lunch today because she was too busy drying her hair." Gram said "that doesn't sound like your mom" but Pauline believed every word and both gave her lots of food. I couldn't believe it when Gram told me. I didn't even get to take a shower yesterday, let alone leisurely dry my hair! The true story is that we had a picnic lunch and Sierra refused to take me seriously when I said, "You better eat now or you'll be hungry at school today." Instead she played tag with some friends. Thanks for making me look like a crummy mom, Sierra (but at least if I was that mom I'd have stylish, blown dried hair--which I don't).
3 days ago
Oh great! I send my kids to bed hungry a LOT because they refuse to eat their food. My kids can't talk very well yet, so this scares me. What on earth are they going to say to people when they can actually tell people what a HORRIBLE mother I am? P.S. I didn't get a shower until after dinner today myself. I feel your pain. If our kids only knew the luxuries we give up for them.
That is Halarious. She tattle on you and you got busted for nothing.
I think I would say something like," Oh, so I don't feed you, huh, that does free up alot of time, Guess I don't need to make dinner or lunch or breakfast". I would tease my kids. In her pic she looks like its pretty funny that she got what she wanted. I love kids.;)
Haha! Don't worry, when kids say things like that (and they do a lot in Primary) I always take it with a grain of salt. Sounds like Sierra knows exactly what to say to get the sympathy/food she wants. Smart girl. :)
She's obviously clever. To put a positive spin on it just think that this is evidence that your clever genes are being passed on. May she use them wisely. Eden makes me look bad when Ben gets home from work and asks what she did today: "we just watched shows all day" No mention of the tea party, crafts or books we read. Just the little bit of TV while I did laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, or maybe took a shower.
Man, that makes me ponder what my kids are saying about me behind my back!
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