Jury duty, again?! Really? Can't they only ask me once a year? I just went in three months ago! Adam hasn't been called to jury duty once in the 8 years we've lived here!
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1 week ago
Jury duty, again?! Really? Can't they only ask me once a year? I just went in three months ago! Adam hasn't been called to jury duty once in the 8 years we've lived here!
Posted by Mindi at 5:28 AM
Someone MUST be ratting you out. If you weren't so honest and full of integrity, Mindi! You're the PERFECT candidate..
Wait, that's not what they'd want.
I sent an email with my sob story and they said to disregard the summons. Whew!
I've never been called to jury duty! I've always thought it would be kind of scary. I guess I'm always imagining a really intense, dramatic case...
And I've always wanted to have jury duty and have never, not even once, in my whole life been called. :( I'll take your turn if they let me!
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