In 2005 my grandpa summed up a newspaper article he'd just read about a Mormon mom who wrote a book while her baby sat on her lap. The book hit the top of the charts, along with the following three sequels. I remember hearing girls say how much they loved the book, that they couldn't put it down and would neglect home and family till they were finished reading, that they were "obsessed". Knowing I am the kind of reader that gets sucked into books I decided I would wait for a time when I could get away with neglecting home and family. That time just never seemed to arrive. Then Adam rented "Twilight" two weeks ago and we watched it together. After that I decided I needed to just get it over with and read the books. I borrowed the first book from my sister and was determined to use self-control because it was Easter weekend. I finished on Monday, borrowed the rest of the series from a friend on Wednesday and finished all of them in a day each. About 2,500 pages in less than a week. My eyes are bloodshot, I'm sleep deprived, my children got away with a whole lot of TV watching, and my husband called me a "dork".
3 days ago
haha we converted you! lol I'm assuming you enjoyed them since you read them so quickly. I can't believe you finished breaking dawn in 1 day though.... it took me 2. can't wait to chat about the books and get your opinions! and the quotes on the dudes blog were pretty funny. thanks for the laugh!
Wow. I'm impressed that you read them THAT fast! I'm still resisting, but now you've piqued my interest. Maybe I need to see the movie before I commit.
Welcome to the dark side! You are gorgeous as Cleopatra.
that normal husband article is absolutely hilarious. When I read any book that is fantasy style, Kevin teases me. He has even gone as far as asking me if I"m going to start dressing up and going to conventions. I like to read a variety. I like the twilight series, but have to admit I'm not at dedicated as the average fan. They are a super fun read. I"m glad you liked them-Heidi
I'm glad to hear that you fell into the Twilight zone! I was sucked in by my sister in law...I read the first book just because she insisted and I didn't want to offend her. I read the rest because I couldn't put them down. So much fun. I had forgotten what it was like to read just for the fun of it.
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