Latin proverb
Tristan is looking pretty tough these days. He took a header into the drive way and is now sporting a beautiful green bruise above his right eye. Then last night at Jay's baseball game he tripped and cut his eye on the bleachers. He must have had his guardian angels around him because he only got a slight nick in his left eyebrow.
We've been looking for a place to live, with no avail. We looked at two houses in our neighborhood last night. One is on half and acre and I was imagining the wonderful childhood my children could have in such a yard, but it was pretty trashed. The next house was even worse, causing Adam to say, "What were we thinking when we bought our house?" Meaning: our house needed a lot of work when we bought it and somehow 6.5 years ago we had that kind of energy and drive. Whereas now, we don't.
I've always wanted to live in Boulder. So I figured as long as we are looking I might as well do some searches there. I found this place on craigslist yesterday. Half acre, beautiful house in the Boulder foothills listed for $220K. I emailed Adam who called the realtor and found out they left off a "0". Oh, $2,200,000 that little "0" makes quite a difference. Maybe we can take a look if they decide to drop 2 million of the price. For 2.2 Mill you think they could get a picture without a bare tree blocking the view of the house. I should write them a letter.
I'm not worried, it'll all work out. Plus, I'm deeply in love with "Ladies of Liberty" by Cokie Roberts, and it is a wonderful distraction from my real life. And real life is really a good place to be right now. I'm thinking instead of dropping off my kids at joy school and rushing home to do something useful like vacuum, I'll just drop 'em off and sit in the truck and read. What I'm saying is that if you are looking for a book recommendation, I highly recommend this one:
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